Create your first watermark
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As soon as you have images in the file list, the first image in the list will be loaded in the preview window. However, you can easily load a different image by clicking the corresponding thumbnail in the file list. The image shown in the preview window will never be touched. It is there for you to design and preview your watermarks. You should switch to different images in the list to check how your watermarks look like before you perform batch watermarking.

As soon as an image is loaded in the preview window, you are ready to create your first watermark. And you have to create at least one watermark in order to watermark your pictures. You do not need to do so if you just want to perform batch process images (convert, resize, rename combination), batch rename, or batch print.

Creating a watermark

A watermark can be an image, a text or a drawing. All these kinds can be found under the Watermark menu. You should start with a simple text watermark and see how the program works. Therefore, for your first watermark, please click Watermark/Text.

Change its content

A text watermark with the default "Enter your text" will be created overlaying your preview image and selected. If you move your mouse to the Watermark editor window and click the edit box there, you will be able to change this default text to whatever you want. Here we use "Your company".

Adding a copyright symbol

If you decide to add a copyright symbol, move your cursor to wherever you want (let's assume beginning of the text here), click menu Symbol/©. The text watermark will turn into "© Your company".

See also:
Watermark menu
Position and size your watermarks
Insert EXIF or other data into text watermark